As Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (Luke 2:22), we at Central, are honored to come alongside you as you dedicate your child to the Lord. Dedication is an important part of a child's life, as we believe that our children ultimately belong to the Lord. However, it is more than just a one-day event; it is a lifelong journey to raise your children to fully know and love Jesus Christ.

Before the dedication day, the parent(s) will attend a class, led by our Central Kids Pastor, Andrea Imbragulio. This class will be held the week before the dedication service in the downstairs kids' preschool room at Central on May 6th. Following this class, you will be able to sign up for Child Dedication during either our 9:30am or 11am service time.

We ask you to join us 30 minutes prior to the service start time for a brief reception. You will then be seated in our reserved parent seating area. This is a celebratory day, so invite your family and friends to attend, as your church family stands behind you in prayer.

You will initially register ONE parent/guardian. Upon registration submission, you will be directed to complete an online information form entitled "Child Dedication Request" which will capture all required information.